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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 07/10/2014
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
July 10, 2014

Present:        Bob Thompson, Chairman; John Allen and Bill Lockard, Selectmen

Visitors:       Town Office Administrator Julie Hoyt, Police Sargent Sean Cowland, Bea Davis, Susan May

Chairman Bob Thompson called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – June 26, 2014  The minutes were approved as written.  
  • Update on Action Items
  • Dundee Cemetery sign  Selectman Allen will get information about the sign and see if the Trustees of the Cemetery can release funds to cover a plain black and white sign.
  • Transfer Station Engineering  Chairman Thompson has been informed the Bartlett Selectmen have approved the cost share on the engineering plans; Engineer Phillips has been given the okay to go ahead and once those options are ready a meeting with both Boards, Manager Edgerly and Engineer Phillips will be held.  Engineer Phillips will contact Manager Edgerly to arrange access during non-operating hours.
  • Old Library Management Committee  Chairman Thompson met with the Protestant Chapel Association to discuss where the project stands; they are recommending the project go forward with some changes.  Counselor Malia has provided a list of what that agreement should contain and the town will revisit the terms of the land use agreement every five years.  Currently the town is paying one-hundred dollars per year to lease the parcel.  The OLMC had worked with Fritz Koeppel to use his land for outflow so the piping work would skirt around the driveway but would still be on the church’s land.  Mike Weeder met with the PCA about trenching the area for this work; there are car sized boulders that need to be moved; the edges of the driveway will be torn up.  The church has approved the Old Library’s bathroom to be hooked into the church’s septic system.  This will really simplify the project; there will be a repurposing of those construction funds from building a septic system to use for paving as the driveway will have to be dug up in order to hook in to the septic system.  It will cost less to hook into the church’s septic and water; they won’t have to tunnel under the street.  Counselor Malia has been asked to draft a land use agreement document including those conditions; the PCA folks felt it addressed all their concerns.  
  • Drainage Easement  Engineer Phillips plans to get to this this week; Counselor Malia says the easement can be created without a plan but having a plan is preferred.
  • Road Striping/Carter Notch Road  The striping ends where the road becomes narrower than twenty-two feet.  The town could either widen the entire road to twenty-two feet or request a broken series of striping; neither makes sense.  This information will be passed on to George Howard who asked about this issue.  
  • Open seats on OLMC  The two open seats on the Old Library Management Committee have been posted; there have been no responses yet.
  • Dundee Road paving  Bob Davis had asked about the paving and rocks pushing through the surface.  Everyone understands there are some rocks up there and the rubber tired backhoe may not be able to do the work on that pitch.  In order to really fix it a box cut needs to be done but that’s five times more expensive; it’s not in the budget so it will get a shim coat this year.  It doesn’t make sense to throw six figures on that little used road.  
  • Terms for OLMC members  The reappointed members of the committee will make a determination as to the length of their respective terms; alternating so all won’t leave at one time.  Once those terms are set, the Selectmen will send out letters reappointing each person for their specific term.  Since there have been no letters of interest in the two open seats, those open seats will continue to be included in the Enews and town column.  Susan May noted the OLMC meets on August 3rd.   
  • Public Comment  Selectman Lockard thanked the town for its response to his mother’s passing.  He would also like folks to know there is a blue tank in his front yard, which does not require a permit; he will soon be getting a permit for the tank’s shed.  
  • Police Report  Sargent Cowland reviewed Department activities since the last meeting; some items included one motor vehicle accident with a deer; two bear complaints; four medical assists; two reports of found property; one report of an assault on a juvenile that was unfounded.  There were four false burglar alarms; two domestic disturbance reports; one call to help Bartlett with a 911 call; one VIN verification; one report of a tree in the road; two requests for house checks; four district court hearings and/or trials and one Project Good Morning check.  The July 5th fireworks went well; there were double the usual population and there was a lot of parking all along Route 16; the Department may have to come up with a different plan to prevent that in the future.  The town is also going to either repaint or replace the sign by the covered bridge.
Chairman Thompson would like to discuss porta-potties.  It was noted this was just discussed at the Safety Committee and Selectman Allen will bring it to the Chamber; there may have been so many people due to the rain the night before but it might behoove Jackson to be prepared for crowds like this.
  • Building Inspector  Chairman Thompson reviewed the report; there is more walk-in traffic due to the posted schedule.   
  • Weekly Report(s) submitted by Robert Goudreau
  • Building Permit 2014000021 Map V02, Lot 08 – (Owner – Armstrong) – Extend porch to go around side of house
  • Building Permit 2014000022 Map R07, Lot 06 – (Owner – Carter Notch Holdings) – Install Solar Panels
  • Building Permit 2014000023 Map R03, Lot 02 – (Owner – Eagle Mountain House) – Install new concrete stairs with stonework down to wedding tent
  • Building Permit 2014000024 Map V05, Lot 32 – (Owner – Post) – Extend building permit 2013000034 to construct 24x32 home
  • Building Permit 20140000025 Map V09, Lot 31 – (Owner – Town of Jackson) – Doorway modification from 3 to 10 ft. wide to improve Fire Dept. ability to utilize existing building
  • Building Permit 2014000026 Map 09, Lot 28A – (Owner – Sincere) – Extend building permit2013000029
  • New Business
  • Red Fox – Request to expand licensed liquor area – correction  This is a correction to the already approved expanded area.  
  • Tax Abatement – Signatures Required – correction  This is a correction to an already approved tax abatement; the figures on it were incorrect.  
  • Old Business
  • Old Library – Land Use Agreement  This was discussed before Susan May had joined the meeting; Chairman Thompson reviewed the discussion.  
  • Public Comment  There is a sign on a gate at Prospect Farm that says residents are required to have a permit to access the road; a citizen thought he could come down to the town Office and get a key; Office Administrative Assistant Hoyt noted someone came in to get a key for the farm; it used to be hanging in the office but no one knows what the criteria are for the use of the area is; are folks allowed to drive dirt bike or atvs up there?  Bea knows that snowmobiling is okay up there; there was a big debate at town meeting probably in the 70’s.  Bea also will follow up with the folks that promised a parking lot up there.   
Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A3, II(b) at 5:16 p.m. to discuss litigation.  The motion passed unanimously.    
  • Non-Public Session
  • RSA91-A:3, II(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee

Respectfully submitted by:

Martha D. Tobin

Recording Secretary